To use any of the Data Control modules (either those supplied with SuperSTAR or ones you have written yourself using the API), you need to create a method in SuperADMIN. This is a group of settings that specifies which module (or modules) you want to use as well as any configuration options you want to apply. Once you have defined the method, simply apply it to all of the SXV4 datasets you want to use it with.
The following is a summary of the steps required to create and apply a method:
You will need to specify a unique ID and choose whether the method is mandatory (applied to the database by default) or a table method (users with appropriate permissions can choose whether to apply this type of method in SuperCROSS).
You can apply any number of mandatory methods to a given database, but only a maximum of one table method per database.
Assign one or more data control modules to the method.
You will need to:
Specify which dynamic library (Windows) or shared object (Linux) contains the actual modules (this must be in the same directory as the SuperSERVER executable).
Give it a name and ID
Set the priority (this determines what order the plugins are executed in; the lowest priority plugins are executed first).
Configure any properties. There are two types:
Common properties - these apply to all the modules within this method.
Specific properties - these are specific to the individual modules.
Authorise groups or users to allow them to select table methods in SuperCROSS.
Authorise groups or users to disable methods in SuperCROSS.
Test that the methods work: log in to SuperCROSS as an administrator and test the methods by creating a table and using the Confidentiality icon to toggle confidentiality on and off.
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